Unlike most breeds of cats, dogs need our help to keep them looking and smelling their best. And although your dog may prefer to be as smelly as possible, sometimes it is necessary for them to endure the dreaded bath. When that dirty dog smell becomes too much to bear, check out this article to ensure you are using the right type of shampoo to freshen up your furry friend.
Can I Use My Shampoo On My Dog?
One of the first things you should consider is if the shampoo is safe to use on dogs.
A dog's skin is more alkaline than a human's, so it's important to select a shampoo that has the right pH balance making it safe to use on your dog. If you use a shampoo designed for humans on your dog, you may find their coat dries out and their skin becomes itchy and irritated. Therefore, it is recommended that you select a shampoo that is specially designed for dogs.
Shampoo for Puppies
Just like babies have more sensitive skin than adults, puppies have more sensitive skin than adult dogs, meaning a regular dog shampoo may be too harsh for their skin. There are a variety of specialty puppy shampoos available, all of which are extra gentle on your puppy's skin.
Brands we stock include:
- PAW Gentle Puppy Shampoo
- Fido's Puppy and Kitten Shampoo
- Fuzzyard Puppy Shampoo
- Squirt Shampoo for Puppies
Shampoo for Dogs with Dry, Sensitive or Irritated Skin
Dogs that have allergies, sensitive or dry and flaky skin will require a specialised shampoo to avoid irritating their skin further. Shampoos that are suitable for dogs with sensitive skin types often contain soothing ingredients such as oatmeal and aloe vera. They are also often soap-free, hypoallergenic and contain added moisturisers.
Brands we stock include:
- Dermcare Natural Shampoo
- PAW Sensitive Skin Shampoo
- PAW NutriDerm Replenishing Shampoo
- Fido's Aloe Vera Gel Shampoo
- Fido's Gentle and Mild Shampoo
- EpiSoothe SIS Shampoo
- Aloveen Oatmeal Shampoo
Flea and Tick Shampoos
If your dog struggles with fleas and ticks, there are a number of shampoos on the market that can help. Pyrethrin and permethrin are two ingredients commonly found in flea and tick shampoos for dogs. Pyrethrin is a naturally occurring insecticidal found in varieties of the Chrysanthemum flower and permethrin is the man-made version of pyrethrin. Both pyrethrin and permethrin work by paralysing the fleas or ticks on your dog, however, it is also toxic to fish, frogs and other insects such as bees.
Cats are also sensitive to high levels of pyrethrin and permethrin, so products that contain high levels should be avoided on dogs that share their home with a cat. There are some products on the market that are safe to use on cats and dogs that share their home with cats because they contain a low dose of pyrethrin or permethrin.
Brands we stock with low levels of pyrethrin that are safe to use on cats and dogs that share their home with cats includes:
- Fido's Pyrethrin Shampoo
- Fido's Fre-Itch Rinse Concentrate
- Fido's Flea Shampoo
- Inca Malaban Wash Concentrate
Medicated Shampoos
Medicated shampoos contain ingredients to control fungal, bacterial or yeast infections that are present on the skin of your dog. It is advised that you do not use medicated shampoos unless instructed to do so by your veterinarian and you should ensure you always follow the directions closely.
Brands we stock include:
- Malaseb Medicated Shampoo
- Pyohex Medicated Shampoo
- Topizole Medicated Shampoo
- Triocil Medicated Wash
- PAW MediDerm Gentle Medicated Shampoo
- Aristopet Stop Itch
- Austrazole Topical Fungicide
- F10 Germicidal Shampoo
- Sebazole Medicated Wash
Herbal and Natural Shampoos
As the name suggests, herbal shampoos and rinses contain a variety of herbal ingredients that all have different effects and benefits. Herbal shampoos do not have some of the harsh chemicals that can be found in other shampoos. The combination of herbal ingredients in these shampoos and rinses leaves your dog's coat looking and smelling great!
Brands we stock include:
- Fido's Herbal Shampoo
- Fido's Herbal Rinse Concentrate
- Fido's Natural Shampoo
- Fido's Tea Tree Shampoo
Shampoos for Dogs with White/Light or Dark/Black Fur
Owners of dogs with white or very light coloured fur might notice that over time, their dog's fur just isn't as white as it used to be or seems dull or stained. Luckily, there are a variety of shampoos on the market that can help restore your pups' fur to the brilliant snowy white it once was. Many of these shampoos contain optical brighteners to enhance the whiteness of your dogs' coat. Some shampoos are even a blue or purple colour which reduces yellow tones.
One brand we stock is Fido's White and Bright Shampoo.
Fido's White and Bright Conditioner is also available.
At the other end of the colour spectrum, dogs with black or very dark coloured fur can also benefit from using specific shampoos to help enhance their dark colouring and make their coat shine.
One brand we stock is Fido's Black Gloss Shampoo.
Shampoos for Dogs with No Skin or Other Concerns
If you are lucky enough to own a dog with no skin concerns, no flea or tick problems and you are just searching for a general shampoo for regular use, you are in luck, as this category boasts a wide variety of shampoos suitable for use on your dog.
Brands we stock include:
- Fido's Everyday Shampoo
- PAW 2 in 1 Conditioning Shampoo
- Fido's Emu Oil Shampoo
- Fuzzyard Super Shine Dog Shampoo
- PAW Classic Care Shampoo
Shampoo Alternatives
If you live in an apartment or own a dog that is particularly averse to bath time, there are options available that can extend the time between baths. Sprays, wipes and water-less washes are suitable for use on most dogs but may not be ideal for dogs with skin concerns.
Brands we stock include:
- Fido's Fresh Coat Spray
- Fido's Bathing Wipes
- Dermoscent Essential Mousse
- Frontline Waterless Shampoo
- Petkin Doggy Wipes
Does My Dog Need to Use a Conditioner?
There is no straightforward answer to this question as it varies from dog to dog. There are conditioners available in a variety of brands and for almost every category we have considered in this article. If your dog has dry skin or fur, a conditioner can be especially helpful at adding extra moisture to their fur or skin. Dogs that require a medicated shampoo for control of skin conditions may also find a conditioner aids in the treatment of the skin condition.
Brands we stock include:
- PAW Gentle Puppy Conditioning Spray
- PAW Sensitive Skin Conditioner
- PAW Conditioning and Grooming Spray
- PAW NutriDerm Replenishing Conditioner
- Fido's Oatmeal Conditioner
- Fido's Creme Conditioner
- Aloveen Oatmeal Intensive Conditioner
- Epi-Soothe Oatmeal Cream Rinse and Conditioner
- Pyohex Medicated Conditioner
- Lustre Aid Coat Conditioner
View all shampoos, conditioners and washes for dogs here