Treating Ear Mites


Ear mites are, unfortunately, a fairly common problem in cats and dogs.  These tiny little spider-like creatures have eight legs and make their home either on or just under the surface of your pet’s skin.  

Types of Ear Mites in Cats and Dogs

There are two types of ear mites that commonly cause ear infections in cats, dogs and other small mammal pets.  These are Notoedres and Otodectes.  Notoedres cause infections in cats and rabbits.  They can be found in the body and sometimes in the ear.  Otodectes infects dogs and cats, as well as ferrets and foxes.  A third type of mite, demodex, can sometimes cause a skin infection on the head and around the ears, but it does not actually cause an infection inside the ear canal.

How Cats and Dogs get Ear Mites

Ear mites are easily transmitted from one animal to another, but they are most commonly found in younger pets.  They are particularly common in abandoned puppies and kittens and animals in pet shelters.  Older pets tend to be more resistant to ear mites, though it is still possible for them to get them.  If the ear mites happen to infect a human ear, they die within a couple weeks because humans are not hosts of these mites.

Recognizing an Ear Mite Infestation

Recognizing an ear mite infestation in your pet is usually quite easy.  Generally, an ear mite infestation will result in dry, black discharge from the ear that looks similar to coffee grounds.  This discharge is made of blood, earwax, inflammatory biochemicals, and the ear mites themselves.  The discharge can also have an unpleasant odour. 

Treating Ear Mites on Cats and Dogs

Painful and troublesome ear infections can result if your pet’s ear mites are left untreated.  In addition, skin diseases can also occur.  Therefore, it is important to use a product such as Ilium Ear Dropsto help kill off the mites.  Be sure to follow the directions carefully and to administer the drops for the recommended duration.  Otherwise, the life cycle of the ear mites may not be adequately halted.  As a result, the ear mite problem will return and you will have to begin the process over again. Ear mite on dogs can be easily controlled with Revolutionand Advocate.


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