A dog is sitting on a couch in front of Christmas tree and presents


With the silly season almost upon us once more, VetShop Australia has created the ultimate list (and checked it twice) to ensure you and your pet are prepared this Christmas.

Is your pet going in to boarding?

Reputable boarding facilities will require your pet to be fully vaccinated before they are allowed to stay. You will need to provide proof your pet has been vaccinated either before or upon your arrival. Vaccinations can take some time to become effective, so make sure you book your pet in for their booster early enough. Most boarding facilities recommend that your pet is vaccinated around 10-20 days before they are scheduled to arrive, but you should check the exact requirements with your boarding facility when you book.

Your pet may also need to be treated for worms, and have a flea and tick preventative applied. Your boarding facility should inform you about what your pet will require before they are allowed to stay.

If your pet isn't a big fan of being away from you, giving them a new toy when they arrive at the boarding facility might help to distract them when it is time for you to leave.


A black and white cat sits amidst a bundle of tiny LED lights


Are you travelling with your pet?

By car – make sure you pack your pets favourite toys to keep them entertained, ensure you include a well-stocked first aid kit, any medication your pet may require, and you should select a suitable car harness or carrier to ensure your pet is safe and secure. You can view our range of car harnesses for dogs here.

By plane – you should confirm any requirements with your airline which may include providing vaccination records, using airline approved carriers and restrictions on what can be placed in the carrier with your pet.


A Labrador sniffs at a Christmas wreath


Are you staying at home?

If all of the family is coming to your place this Christmas, your pets will be happy to have you around, but might not be so keen on all of the new smells and noises that come with having a packed house. To keep your dog entertained, why not try keeping them busy with a LickiMat or a DogMaze bowl?


Some pets can become quite anxious over the silly season. For more tips on dealing with anxiety in pets, you can view our article here.


Summer can present some unique dangers for dogs. Read our article on how to keep your pooch safe this summer here.


An adorable puppy with large ears sits in a Santa hat surrounded by presents and tinsel


Is your pets microchip and ID tag up to date?

In the chaos of Christmas, it is easy for a pet to slip out an unlocked gate behind an unwitting visitor or set out to explore a new neighbourhood. Before you set up that spare room or pack the car for your holiday, check your pets microchip details and their ID tag (if they wear one) are up to date so your furry friend can be reunited with you quickly.


A grey and white dog is happily sitting for a picture while wearing a reindeer costume


Did you remember to get your pet a present?

According to a recent survey by Purina, 82% of Australian's will buy their pet a present this Christmas. Are you a pet gift giver? If you have already spoilt your furbaby with enough toys this year, why not buy them a new bed or bowl? Check out our range of dog accessories and cat accessories to find the perfect gift for your pet.


VetShop Australia would like to wish their customers and their pets a very merry Christmas

View our range of Stocking Stuffers here. There are over 100 items to choose from and they are all under $20!