Dog Howling

Alright, picture this: You're cozied up on the sofa, deep in that new Netflix series. Your furry sidekick is sprawled out beside you, dozing away. Suddenly, a siren sings out in the distance, and... woooo! Your dog is belting out a solo as if auditioning for "Canine Idol".

Ever wondered what's up with that?

The Great Howling Mystery

Okay, quick history lesson: Our modern, couch-loving pups come from a long line of wolves. Yep, those wild, majestic creatures. And wolves? They're big on communication, especially through howling. It's their way of saying, "Hey, where you at? I'm over here!" when they lose their pack buddies. So, when our pets hear the high notes of a siren, they might just think it's their long-lost cousin, Steve the wolf, calling out from a couple blocks over.

Plus, some dogs might think, "Hey, that's weird. Is that a UFO? Or just a super loud cat?" And they howl to alert you to the strange (possible) extraterrestrial event.

Now, while some folks reckon sirens hurt doggos' ears, most dogs aren't really distressed. They’re just being vocal.

But Why Doesn't My Dog Sing Along?

It's kinda like karaoke night. Some folks grab the mic and belt out every tune. Others? They’re happy to chill and munch on the snacks. Dogs are the same. Some can't resist joining the siren chorus, while others just shrug and go back to their nap. Maybe it's because of their family tree, or maybe they're just too relaxed in their favourite spot on the sofa to bother.

Help! My Dog's Ready for the Next "Canine Idol"

If your pooch's singing is hitting a few too many high notes for your liking, there's hope. Turn those howls into hushes:

Play it cool: If they start the howl-a-thon, don't give them extra attention.
Treats for the silent ones: If they hear a siren and stay quiet, shower them with love (and maybe a treat or two).
Remember, it might take a while, but with some patience, you might just convince them that silent appreciation of sirens is the way to go. And if you're struggling? There's no harm in calling in a pro – dog trainers have seen it all!

So, the next time that siren blares and your dog either joins in or doesn't, remember: They're just being themselves, and we wouldn't want it any other way.