Why does my dog do that?

Ever look at your dog and think, "What's going on with you, buddy?" We're diving into six classic dog behaviours that totally say more than just 'woof'. Let’s break down what’s up with your furry BFF and how you can vibe even better together.

Those Puppy Eyes: What’s the Deal?

Does your dog stare at you like you’re the last slice of pizza? That stare is loaded with feels! Here’s what’s likely on their mind:

  • They’re basically your shadow, predicting your next move.
  • Maybe they’re hinting at some playtime, a stroll, or just snacks.
  • Sometimes, it’s a low-key space claim.
  • Or maybe they're just saying, “You’re my person!”

If it gets too intense, switch up your responses. Try cool training tricks, like a bell for bathroom trips. It keeps things fun and fresh!

Why Is My Dog Glued to Me?

Feel like you’ve got a fluffy shadow? It’s super cute but here’s the scoop:

  • Dogs are pack animals, so they naturally stick close together.
  • They might see you as the leader of the pack.
  • Could be they’re hoping for treats or a surprise play session.
  • Or, it might be anxiety.

Boost their self confidence with killer toys and regular playdates. Stay chill and consistent with your reactions.

All About Those Wet Kisses

When your dog licks you, they're basically talking. What they might be saying:

  • They're tasting that after-gym saltiness on your skin.
  • Just exploring their world.
  • It’s their way of getting you to look their way—yes, it works!

Not a fan of the drool? Chat with your vet or steer that energy into commands like “sit” or “stay,” rewarding them when they chill.

Cuddle Alert: Why Your Dog Is All Up in Your Space

Nothing like a dog cuddle, right? They're all about:

  • Getting cosy and warm with their favourite human.
  • Feeling safe and snug with you.

Setting boundaries? Keep it loving and patient. Make them a dope chill spot and they’ll love it just as much.

Pawing for Attention: What’s With the Paw Tap?

If your dog paws at you, they might be saying:

  • “Hey, let’s do something fun!”
  • Or just, “Look at me, please.”

Teach them other cool ways to communicate, like a high-five or “shake,” so they get the interaction they crave without the pawing.

Lean on Me: Why Your Dog Gets Close

Dogs lean for some seriously sweet reasons:

  • It’s about trust and feeling secure.
  • It’s their style of a hug.

Get why they’re leaning to handle it right, especially if it's about feeling anxious. A quick vet chat might give you some pro tips.

So, yeah, that’s what your dog might be trying to tell you with those quirky habits. By figuring them out, you’re not just taking care of your dog; you’re building a stronger, cooler connection. Keep up the awesome work as a pet parent and keep those good times rolling!