What Fruits and Vegetables are Safe For Rabbits to Eat

Rabbits are well-known for their love of munching on greenery, but it's important to understand that not all fruits and vegetables are safe for your furry friend. In fact, a well-balanced rabbit diet includes a variety of fresh fruits, veggies, and high-quality hay. Let's delve into a few favourite bunny-safe fruits and vegetables and discuss their health benefits for your pet.

Leafy Greens

Leafy greens should form the majority of the vegetable portion in your rabbit's diet. Some safe options include:

Romaine Lettuce: Romaine is full of vitamins A and C, and unlike iceberg lettuce, it's perfectly safe for rabbits. Serve a few leaves daily.

Bok Choy: This green is rich in vitamin C, calcium, and iron. It's okay to feed your rabbit a couple of leaves per day.

Basil: Basil leaves are a tasty source of vitamin K. Feel free to sprinkle a few leaves into your rabbit's daily feed.

Remember, when introducing a new vegetable to your rabbit, start with small amounts and monitor their reactions.

Root Vegetables

While root vegetables should be limited due to their high starch content, they can still make a tasty treat for your bunny:

Carrots: Yes, Bugs Bunny was onto something! Carrots are high in beta carotene, which converts to vitamin A. However, due to the high sugar content, they should be offered sparingly — perhaps one or two small slices a couple of times per week.

Parsnips: Parsnips are a good source of vitamins C and K and folate but should be served in moderation due to their high sugar content. Try offering a small slice once a week.


Fruits should be treated as special treats due to their high sugar content:

Apples: Apples are packed with vitamins A and C. Offer a small slice once or twice a week, but ensure to remove all seeds, as they contain a harmful toxin called cyanide.

Bananas: Bananas are high in potassium and fibre. Given their high sugar content, limit to a small slice once a week.

Remember to always wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly to remove any potential pesticides or toxins.

The Perfect Rabbit Diet

Ensuring a well-balanced diet for your rabbit is essential for their health and longevity. Here's our recommended dietary regime for your furry friend:

As a base: Western Timothy Hay

Oxbow Western Timothy Grass Hay provides small herbivores with high quality nutrition that promotes digestive tract health, dental health, and prevents obesity. High in fibre and low in protein and calcium, it can be fed in unlimited amounts to your pet daily.

As a topper: Oxbow Essentials Adult Rabbit Food

Made from timothy grass meal, Oxbow Essentials - Adult Rabbit Food is specifically designed to meet the nutritional needs of adult rabbits. The low calcium, low protein, 25% fibre pellets provide a healthy option with no undesirable corn, seeds or fruit. Remember to change your rabbit's food gradually to give their digestive system time to adapt.

As Treats: Oxbow Simple Rewards Timothy Treats 40g

Add variety and enrichment to your pet's diet with Oxbow Simple Rewards Timothy Treats. Made with high-quality, fibre-rich timothy grass hay, these treats can be used during playtime or as a training aid. Feed 3-4 Timothy Treat pieces a day, and remember, treats should not exceed 5% of your pet's daily food intake.


Balancing your rabbit's diet with the right fruits, vegetables, and high-quality hay like Oxbow Western Timothy Grass Hay, and treats like Oxbow Simple Rewards Timothy Treats can ensure your bunny remains healthy, happy, and full of energy. Remember to introduce new foods slowly, always check for potential toxins, and consider the sugar and starch content of the food. With the right care, your rabbit can enjoy a long, healthy life full of delicious meals!